
10 Dogs Who Just Honestly Acted Like Assholes ...

10 Dogs Who Just Honestly Acted Like Assholes ...

    10 Dogs Who Just Honestly Acted Like Assholes ...

    Dogs are the best animals in the world. That is not hyperbole.

    But even the best animals in the world aren't perfect all the time. In fact, sometimes they're straight-up assholes.

    Here are 10 dogs that fit that category but also belong in "But We Love Them Anyway" too. 

    Because it's true. We do 

    Little Oreo here got into a bag of charcoal and rolled around in it. That white dog with one black spot isn’t so much…that…anymore.

    There is no other way to say it:
    This little pup rolled around in feces. And now it’s his owner’s job to clean him up.

    You could do your puzzle, or you could pet your dog like you’re supposed to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
    The next one is hilarious in a cheesy way…

    His new ball lasted all of about 3 minutes before it was torn to shreds. And now, of course, he’s looking at his owner like, “What else you got for me?”

    Just look at that guilty grin on his face.
    Sure, he might get punished for eating the remote, but now his owner can’t watch TV and is forced to play with him.

    This pup didn’t even eat the remote. She just stole it. Total power move.
    Almost worse than if she just destroyed it.
    The next one is a total classic that all dog owners have experienced…

    Oh, you mean the stuffing was supposed to stay inside the couch cushions? Well, that’s silly. It’s so clearly much better when it’s outside of the couch cushions.”

    “Hello! Welcome home.
    “I have some news about that new dress you just bought.”

    Oh, you think you’re going to use the bathroom and spend that time on the toilet not playing with me? Think again, Bucko.”

    This dog got so excited that his brother was home for the holidays that he ran in a circle. Oh yeah, he was also peeing the whole time.
    The next one is similarly, erm, destructive…